  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hughes, Gov. Shapiro, Rep. Krajewski

From: A verified voter in Philadelphia, PA

June 28

The time to act is now! SEPTA and other transit agencies across the Commonwealth have not yet recovered from ridership loss due to the pandemic and therefore need more state money for operational needs. SEPTA projects a $240 million deficit if no additional funds are approved by in the state budget. The timely approval of the state budget by July 1st is vital to prevent fare hikes and service cuts that would disproportionately affect our most vulnerable citizens. Efficient and accessible public transportation is not a luxury; it is a necessity for millions who rely on it to get to work, school, healthcare appointments, and other essential destinations. It is important to note that the proposed increase in state sales tax allocation does not create any new taxes but rather provides a solid foundation for agencies like SEPTA across the state. I implore you to support Governor Shapiro's proposed budget increase for public transportation. By doing so, you will be investing in the well-being of our communities and ensuring that all Pennsylvanians have access to reliable transit options. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your service to our Commonwealth.

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