  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Israel Bombing “Safe Zones” & Delaying Polio Vaccines. ARMS EMBARGO NOW

To: Rep. Crow, Sen. Bennet, Pres. Biden, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

September 10

It’s long past time for an arms embargo on Israel. This is not merely circumstantial, it is systemic. These acts are knowingly being carried out on Palestinian civilians with our tax dollars, and it needs to end now. On September 10, 2024, in the Gaza Strip, at least 40 Palestinians were killed and scores more injured as an Israeli strike ripped through a tent encampment housing displaced Palestinians near Khan Younis. Israel had designated the area as a so-called safe zone. Witnesses say at least four missiles fell onto the crowded camp as people slept, engulfing tents in flames and scattering body parts. The United Nations says its efforts to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of children against polio were further delayed after members of a U.N. convoy were detained by Israel’s military at gunpoint for more than eight hours Monday in northern Gaza. This is U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk: “Ending the war and averting a full-blown regional conflict is an absolute and urgent priority. Equally, the wider situation of illegality across the Occupied Palestinian Territory deriving from Israel’s policies and practices, as so clearly spelled out by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion in July, must be comprehensively addressed.” Monday marked the traditional first day of school in Gaza, but for a second year in a row classes are canceled for all of Gaza’s schoolchildren. ActionAid Palestine said in a statement, “Going to school is not a luxury, it’s a fundamental right, and yet hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza are being denied an education for the second academic year in a row. A whole generation is being denied the opportunity to learn and build a better future for themselves.”

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