  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Endorse Children's Climate Recovery Resolution to Act Now

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Warner, Rep. Wexton, Sen. Kaine

From: A verified voter in Sterling, VA

November 15

The current climate crisis poses an existential threat to future generations and requires bold, comprehensive action from Congress before the next administration takes office, which is full of climate deniers and could make the situation even more dire. Unchecked climate change will profoundly impact the health, economic opportunities, and fundamental rights of today's youth who have contributed little to the emissions driving this crisis. It is imperative that Congress recognizes the disproportionate burden being placed on vulnerable communities and takes decisive steps to enact a science-based climate recovery plan. Endorsing the Children's Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution is a crucial first step towards this goal. This resolution acknowledges the grave injustice of allowing the climate crisis to worsen while establishing a framework for decisive national action to stabilize the climate system. By cosponsoring this resolution, Congress can demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding the futures of young Americans from the escalating consequences of climate change before it is too late. The time to act is now before any more damage is inflicted on the next generation. A failure to confront this crisis head-on will be an unforgivable abdication of responsibility.

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