- United States
- Maine
- Letter
Susan Collins must oppose Tulsi Gabbard's appointment
To: Sen. Collins
From: A constituent in Cape Elizabeth, ME
December 8
Tulsi Gabbard's concerning ties to Russian propaganda networks like RT should give serious pause about appointing her to such a critical national security position. Reports indicate Gabbard was a devoted consumer of Kremlin disinformation even after being warned it was an unreliable source. Her stance shifted from criticizing Russian aggression in Ukraine to blaming the U.S. and NATO, parroting Kremlin talking points. With Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine and hostile actions toward American interests, we cannot risk having someone so deeply influenced by Russian propaganda overseeing our intelligence agencies. Gabbard's alignment with Putin's narratives raises disturbing questions about her ability to objectively protect U.S. national security. I urge you to reject her nomination and appoint someone whose loyalties are unquestionably aligned with American values and interests. Her former aides' revelations about her affinity for RT content are highly concerning given the gravity of this role.