Sanctions for Israel now
  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Sanctions for Israel now

To: Rep. Pingree, Sen. Collins, Sen. King

From: A constituent in Acton, ME

April 15

You are waging war against children. As your constituent, I implore you to be on the right side of history and save your humanity by standing against full support and immunity for Israel. Within the past 4 months alone, more children have been killed in Gaza than all children globally killed in conflicts between 2019 and 2022. How can you live with yourselves knowing that? Have you lost your soul so deeply that the live-streamed genocide doesn’t get to you? Israel has bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria, which is an act of war, and Americans have no business defending this sadistic regime. If we have any sort of democracy at all, you are compelled to listen to your constituents and not engage in actions that would likely result in WWIII. Instead of honoring our needs for healthcare, education, infrastructure, and workers rights you are betraying your oath to office by supporting sending our tax dollars to foot the bill of a genocidal, murderous regime. You have blood on your hands. I implore you to stand on the right side of history, make the moral and ethical decision to stand against genocide, call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the occupation, and sanctions for Israel. You make our country a laughing stock with your support of sadistic policies. We see right through you. You will not earn my vote until you publicly renounce Israel’s crimes against Palestine and humanity.

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