  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Suozzi, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in New Hyde Park, NY

July 18

Get behind our chosen candidate Joe Biden! WTF are you guys playing at? WE WANT JOE. The man with a PROVEN RECORD of helping the working people! STOP PLAYING GAMES or we’ll end up in some concentration camp for liberals come January 2025. Democrats have spoken, have chosen Joe! Why are you listening to a few dozen bellyachers OVER 14 million that chose our candidate? GET THIS HORSE BACK ON THE TRAIL & STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF SCARED PUPPIES! 76% of Americans want abortion to be legal - you think any of them would vote for mango? GET OUT THERE AND GET SOME KILLER SPEECHWRITERS FOR JOE & GET MOVING!

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