  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Why Biden/Harris ticket Best

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Pres. Biden, Rep. Mullin

From: A constituent in South San Francisco, CA

July 20

Democrats quit shooting us in the foot with not backing Biden. There is no other candidate with the name and experience recognition. Your squabbling is causing apathy and fear of inevitable Trump. Stop being stupid. We have done so well as a Democratic Party for the last four years and then here is the opportunity to stand behind Joe Biden, and you are all missing it If all those crazies can stand behind the most dangerous man in the world who is only three years younger and crazy as all hell, Democrats can stand behind a decent capable man like Joe Biden Get some backbone and stand up for our team. This team has been working well for four years. Joe, stay in the race Democrat colleagues stop this nonsense and back your man and woman. Your lack of trust is causing more trouble, and the media is having a heyday with it, making it worse. Democrats and independence need to see a strong united Democratic Party behind known quality persons, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. BIDEN/HARRIS - the best ticket NOW!

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