  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Casey

From: A verified voter in Philadelphia, PA

July 18

I am writing to express my gratitude for your ongoing support of federal methane standards for the oil and gas industry and your commitment to clean energy development. Your efforts are crucial in the fight against climate change and in reducing air pollution from the oil and gas sector. I would also like to extend my thanks to your staff for their dedication to these important issues. Their hard work is instrumental in advancing policies that protect our environment and public health. I urge you to continue advocating for a strong Federal Implementation Plan of the methane rule by the EPA as soon as possible. This rule is vital as it mandates air pollution inspections at all gas wells, regardless of size, until they are plugged. It also requires the installation of non-emitting devices known as process controllers at facilities, limits routine flaring from large producers, and applies emissions regulations to more storage tanks. Additionally, the creation of a Super Emitter Program by the EPA, which will notify operators and impacted residents of large release events, is a significant step forward. Furthermore, it is imperative that Pennsylvania acts swiftly to finalize a strong State Implementation Plan (SIP) to complement these federal efforts. Thank you once again for your leadership and commitment to environmental protection. I look forward to seeing continued progress in these areas.

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