  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Support Offshore Worker Whistleblower Protections Act

To: Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Dingell

From: A constituent in Whitmore Lake, MI

August 10, 2024

Offshore oil and gas workers play a vital role in energy production and environmental protection, but their whistleblower protections are insufficient. The Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Protection Act would provide crucial safeguards for these employees to report violations, unsafe conditions, or inadequate spill response plans without fear of retaliation. This empowers workers to come forward with information that can prevent disasters, protect worker safety, and uphold environmental regulations on the Outer Continental Shelf. Ensuring robust whistleblower protections for this industry aligns with prioritizing people over profits and recognizing the exploitative nature of unregulated corporate practices that endanger lives and ecosystems. I urge you to support this legislation to foster transparency, accountability, and an ethical energy sector that values its workforce and environmental stewardship.

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