  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Supreme Court reforms urgently needed to restore judicial integrity.

To: Sen. Schmitt, Sen. Hawley, Rep. Luetkemeyer

From: A constituent in Boonville, MO

June 26

The Supreme Court's recent actions and revelations about potential undue influence have seriously undermined its legitimacy and public trust. It appears some justices have maintained inappropriate relationships with partisan groups and individuals who have direct interests in cases before the Court. This erodes faith in the Court's impartiality and raises concerns about its ability to serve as an independent, unbiased arbiter of the law. Furthermore, the Court's constitutional interpretations in major decisions like Dobbs v. Jackson and New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. Bruen seem driven more by desired political outcomes than reasoned analysis of law and precedent. By disregarding established rights and distorting history to fit its agenda, the Court jeopardizes its role as a neutral interpreter of the Constitution. Preserving an independent, ethical judiciary free from partisan influence and beholden only to the Constitution is essential for our democracy's survival. The Court must take immediate steps to restore its credibility by adopting a binding code of ethics, prohibiting relationships that create conflicts of interest, and demonstrating fidelity to impartial jurisprudence over ideological goals. Drastic measures may be needed to prevent this Supreme Court from further degrading rule of law and precipitating a constitutional crisis.

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