  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Stop Israeli slaughter of Palestinians

To: Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Dingell, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Ypsilanti, MI

June 29

The escalating violence and loss of civilian lives in Gaza is devastating. What we are witnessing is the disproportionate use of force against Palestinians, many of whom are innocent civilians including children. Israel's intensified attacks, which have killed at least 40 Palestinians in the latest 24-hour period according to Gaza's Health Ministry, cannot be justified. An Israeli airstrike even targeted a water distribution point in Gaza City, killing four members of the same family, including a child. This cycle of violence must end immediately. I urge you to take concrete steps to secure a permanent and unconditional ceasefire, allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza and facilitating dialogue towards a just resolution that upholds the rights and dignity of all people. The status quo is untenable and enabling further bloodshed. As a representative, you have the power to advocate for de-escalation and peace – I implore you to exercise that moral responsibility without delay.

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