  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

End military support for Israel's atrocities in Gaza

To: Sen. Booker, Pres. Biden, Rep. Kim, Sen. Menendez

From: A constituent in Bordentown, NJ

May 30

The deadly Israeli airstrike in Rafah that killed dozens of Palestinian civilians, including children, is a horrific tragedy and clear violation of international law. The gruesome images of charred bodies and parents burning alive while their children screamed in terror have rightly sparked global outrage. This loss of innocent life is unconscionable and the escalating humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is unacceptable. While Israel claims this was a mistake aimed at Hamas militants, the indiscriminate nature of the attack on a densely populated civilian area calls into question the validity of that justification. The United States cannot continue to provide military support and remain complicit in these atrocities against the Palestinian people. Concrete action is urgently needed to end the violence, protect civilians, and facilitate an immediate ceasefire and lasting peace. The world is watching and our credibility on human rights is at stake. This genocide must end.

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