  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Support President Biden's 2024 bid for the nation's progress

To: Rep. Williams, Sen. Ossoff, Sen. Warnock

From: A constituent in Atlanta, GA

July 6

The recent debate performance by President Biden has understandably raised concerns among Democratic senators about his ability to effectively take on former President Trump in the 2024 election. However, it would be unwise to make a rash decision based on a single event. President Biden has a proven track record of accomplishments during his tenure, such as the bipartisan infrastructure bill and efforts to secure the southern border. Additionally, he has the experience and commitment to putting the needs of the American people first. Rather than calling for him to exit the race prematurely, it is crucial that Democratic leaders rally behind President Biden and Vice President Harris. They should provide constructive feedback to strengthen the campaign strategy and messaging. Ultimately, a united front and a focus on the issues that truly matter to voters, such as the economy, healthcare, and climate change, will be key to securing victory in 2024. The decision to run for re-election rests with President Biden himself. As elected representatives, senators must respect his choice while working collaboratively to position the Democratic party for success. Abandoning the incumbent president at this stage could fracture the party and jeopardize the progress made over the past four years. It is in the best interest of the nation to give President Biden the opportunity to course-correct and make his case to the American people.

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