  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Discharge Argosy student loans to address systemic exploitation

To: Sen. Scott, Pres. Biden, Sen. Rubio, Rep. Castor

From: A constituent in Saint Petersburg, FL

July 12

The severe misconduct by Argosy University has left countless students drowning in over $600 million of student loan debt and unable to obtain the education they were promised. We are urging the Department of Education to provide full student loan cancellation and refunds for all borrowers who attended Argosy, whether their loans were federal or private, totaling an estimated $534 million in federal loans and $67 million in private student loans. This predatory institution exploited vulnerable students through deceptive practices and misrepresentation, leaving many now facing crippling debt burdens without receiving the quality education they paid for. Loan forgiveness is imperative to provide relief and correct this injustice impacting tens of thousands of borrowers. Argosy students were betrayed by an institution that prioritized profits over their wellbeing. Legal actions and borrower defense claims alone cannot adequately address the widespread harm inflicted. Group-wide cancellation recognizes the systemic nature of this wrongdoing and its profound, collective impact on borrowers. It is a matter of accountability and restorative justice. We implore the Department to affirm the rights of Argosy's victims and approve comprehensive loan discharge totaling an estimated $601 million to help them move forward.

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