Vote NO on aid package
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on aid package

To: Sen. Ossoff, Sen. Warnock

From: A verified voter in Decatur, GA

April 21

I fully support funding to support Ukraine, but I cannot stomach the notion that we are supporting Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people and their disgraceful disruption of humanitarian aid to Gaza. There must be a ceasefire now, and America should not send another dime for this disgusting war, spreading now into Iran. Please vote no on the aid package, as difficult as that may be for our Ukrainian friends. This is the wrong way. I also distrust the motives Congress has for blocking Tick Tock. It certainly seems like corporations would like to get their hands on the revenue currently going into the hands of average Americans who are using the app to make a little money. I feel extremely sad about the state of affairs in the world and in America. I realize that things are complex, but the Democrats are going to have to stand up for what’s right at some point, or sadly, lose in November.

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