Reevaluate U.S. Support for Israel in Gaza Conflict
  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Reevaluate U.S. Support for Israel in Gaza Conflict

To: Sen. Warren, Sen. Markey, Rep. Auchincloss

From: A constituent in Newton Highlands, MA

April 9

Appreciation is extended for your recent statement at a Boston-area mosque, where you highlighted the ongoing investigation by the International Court of Justice into the actions of Israel in Gaza. Your willingness to discuss these difficult issues, such as the potential starvation of children and the bombing of civilian areas, is commendable. It is requested that you continue to use your platform to shed light on these matters and to advocate for a comprehensive review of the U.S.'s support for Israel, particularly in light of the recent attacks by Hamas. The call for a cease-fire and concern for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza by the current administration is a step in the right direction, but more action is needed. Please consider pushing for a reevaluation of future military aid to Israel.

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