Vote NO on HR764 & Protect Wolves
  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on HR764 & Protect Wolves

To: Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Jamaica Plain, MA

May 4

I am writing to you as a resident of Massachusetts who is very concerned about the HR764 “Trust the Science” Act. As you likely know, this bill seeks to roll back protections for the gray wolf. Gray wolves were a critical component to the creation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. At the time of the act’s introduction, there were only roughly 250 gray wolves in existence in the lower 48 states. This major loss of wolves created an imbalance in the animal and plant ecosystems of several states. Now, in 2024, there are 5,000-6,000 gray wolves. While this is a significant increase from 1973, we are nowhere near the desirable range of wolves. Prior to their endangered status, wolves were in the hundreds of thousands. Wolves are essential parts of the North American landscape. They help control deer populations and pests that carry life-threatening diseases, like ticks, in several states. While politicians and people claim that wolves destroy farmers’ livelihoods, we know that hunting and profit actually drive this bill. Take a look at recent events in Wyoming—humans use wolves for grotesque sport and trophies. Wolves are in critical need of your support. Protect these creatures and protect our beautiful, diverse ecosystems by voting no on HR764. Thank you for your consideration.

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