  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Pass the H.R.5658 - Vote by Mail Tracking Act

To: Sen. Johnson, Rep. Tiffany, Sen. Baldwin, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Hudson, WI

July 17

The Vote by Mail Tracking Act aims to enhance the integrity and transparency of mail-in voting by requiring all mail ballots for federal elections to be tracked using the United States Postal Service's barcode service. This measure would enable individual ballots to be traced throughout the mailing process, providing much-needed visibility and accountability. While voting by mail is crucial for ensuring broad participation in our democratic process, it is equally important to address concerns about potential irregularities and restore public trust in the electoral system. By mandating the use of trackable barcodes on all mail-in ballots, this legislation seeks to strike a balance between safeguarding the sanctity of elections and upholding the fundamental right to vote. Implementing this system would instill greater confidence in the mail voting process without imposing undue burdens or disenfranchising eligible voters.

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