  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler, Rep. Garamendi

From: A verified voter in El Sobrante, CA

September 24

I am writing to express my urgent concern regarding the growing influence of international forces, particularly from countries like Russia and Iran, on U.S. elections through AI-driven disinformation campaigns. As we move further into the digital age, it is essential that we take proactive steps to safeguard our democracy and ensure fair elections. To combat foreign interference effectively, I urge Congress to consider the following strategies: 1. Strengthen Cybersecurity Upgrade our election infrastructure with secure voting systems and databases, ensuring they are protected from hacking attempts. Federal funding should support states in enhancing their cybersecurity measures. 2. Regulate Social Media Platforms Require social media companies to be transparent about their algorithms and enforce stricter regulations on content moderation. Platforms must identify and block fake accounts and disinformation campaigns, particularly those driven by foreign actors. Mandating labels on foreign-generated political content will help inform users. 3. Hold Companies Accountable Reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to ensure social media platforms are held liable for failing to address foreign disinformation. Implement fines for companies that do not take adequate measures against such threats. 4. Use AI to Counter Disinformation Invest in AI technologies that can detect and neutralize disinformation in real time, focusing on deepfakes and troll farms. Public-private partnerships could be formed to enhance fact-checking capabilities. 5. Impose Sanctions Target countries engaging in election interference with economic sanctions and diplomatic consequences. This could include revoking trade benefits and imposing travel bans on key individuals involved in these operations. 6. Increase Public Awareness Launch media literacy campaigns to educate citizens on identifying fake news and disinformation. Schools and community organizations should play a vital role in promoting critical thinking skills. 7. Collaborate with Allies Work with international partners to establish norms around cyber warfare and election interference. A coordinated response will enhance our ability to detect and deter foreign actors. 8. Limit AI in Political Ads Prohibit the use of AI-generated deepfakes in political advertising and require full disclosure of funding sources for political ads to ensure transparency. The integrity of our elections is paramount to our democracy. By implementing these measures, we can protect our electoral process from foreign influence and ensure that our democracy remains robust and resilient. Thank you.

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