  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

Strong Pro-Israel foreign policy & Stop Iran from destabilizing the region

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Marshall, Rep. Mann, Sen. Moran

From: A verified voter in Dodge City, KS

October 4

The United States must stand firmly behind Israel's right to self-defense against the terrorist threat posed by Hamas and other militant groups. Iran's continued supply of arms and funding to these organizations undermines regional peace and security. It is imperative that the U.S. demands Iran immediately cease all such support for terrorist militias. A resolute pro-Israel foreign policy stance is crucial at this juncture, one that upholds Israel's ability to protect its citizens without undue constraints. Failing to take decisive action emboldens those who seek to destabilize the region through violence and extremism. The U.S. has a strategic imperative to robustly back Israel against aggression from Iranian proxies and prevent any further escalation of this dangerous conflict.

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