  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Tonko, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Gansevoort, NY

June 28

Given President Biden's abysmal performance in the presidential debate, it is imperative now that the democratic party tell Joe Biden to step aside and voluntarily step down as the democratic nominee. We must act now to ensure that Trump is not elected for a third term which would be detrimental to our democracy and quite frankly the future of our planet. If Biden is not willing to step aside and let a more competent leader take the candidacy, then the American people will force the Democratic party to listen through grass roots efforts and by not voting at all. We must all act now to thwart the fascist ideology of Donald Trump from taking hold of our country again. As my elected official, it is imperative that you show me you care about our democracy and that you call for an alternative candidate at the democratic national convention. Do the right thing to save the democratic party and our nation's future now.

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