Support Ukraine!
  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

Support Ukraine!

To: Sen. Blackburn, Rep. Fleischmann, Sen. Hagerty

From: A constituent in Chattanooga, TN

April 11

Please stand with Ukraine! It’s time to pass legislation aiding our ally. From the CNN appeal that says it better than I can: “The Ukrainian armed forces are defending basic American interests. They are doing things that Americans cannot do for themselves. By absorbing the entire Russian attack, they are making other wars in Europe impossible. They deter China without in any way provoking Beijing. By showing that a nuclear power can be resisted, they teach other countries that they need not build nuclear weapons. For two years, Ukrainians have protected us as well as their own people. Most Americans understand this, and want to help Ukraine. And most elected representatives do, too.” Please work to get Speaker Johnson to bring the vote. I support helping Ukraine.

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