  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Cease fire Now

To: Rep. Doggett, Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

May 30

Over 180 days of violence have killed or injured an appalling 26,000 children in Gaza, comprising over 2% of the child population. This horrific toll includes 13,800 children killed and 12,009 injured. Gaza's healthcare system lies decimated, with 30 of 36 hospitals bombed, leaving merely 10 partially functioning facilities. Education has ground to a halt as 90% of schools suffer damage or destruction. The widespread obliteration of homes and infrastructure threatens 'domicide' on an unprecedented scale. We urgently call for an immediate and definitive ceasefire to end this devastation. Unfettered humanitarian access must be restored to deliver lifesaving aid and prevent further loss of young lives. Children in Gaza face the grim prospect of having no future at all if the world does not act swiftly to stop this catastrophe.

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