  1. United States
  2. Ky.
  3. Letter

Suspend Aid to Israel Until Full Cooperation in Gaza Crisis

To: Rep. McGarvey, Sen. McConnell, Pres. Biden, Sen. Paul

From: A constituent in Louisville, KY

March 3, 2024

The recent decision to initiate airdrops of food and emergency supplies into Gaza, while commendable, is insufficient given the scale of the humanitarian crisis. The method is costly and lacks control, and the reluctance of the Israeli government to allow more substantial ground-based relief efforts is concerning. It is crucial to utilize the influence the US holds over Israel to ensure a more effective response to the crisis. The potential of mass starvation necessitates immediate and decisive action. Therefore, we demand that all financial and military aid to Israel be suspended until they agree to cooperate fully in addressing the humanitarian needs in Gaza. This action would demonstrate a firm commitment to human rights and the welfare of civilians.

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