  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Supreme Court reform missing from DNC platform

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. Strickland

From: A verified voter in Olympia, WA

August 19, 2024

The Supreme Court's recent rulings have raised grave concerns about the Court's alignment with core democratic principles and the will of the people. Its decisions on issues like presidential immunity, reproductive rights, and affirmative action illustrate an ideological imbalance that undermines the checks and balances so crucial to our system of government. The Democratic Party must make Supreme Court reform a central plank in its platform. Proposals like establishing term limits for justices, instituting a binding ethics code, and adjusting the Court's jurisdiction over certain constitutional matters would help restore public faith in the institution and its rulings. The Court's make-up and precedents should evolve with the changing values of American society, not remain entrenched and immovable. Failing to enact meaningful reforms risks further erosion of the Court's legitimacy and independence from partisan politics. Voters clearly want a Supreme Court that interprets the law fairly and upholds essential rights, not one that legislates from the bench according to the personal philosophies of its members. The Democratic Party has an opportunity and obligation to champion real solutions that realign the Court with its intended role.

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