  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Biden Administration Trans Youth Statement

To: Sen. Johnson, Pres. Biden, Rep. Tiffany, Sen. Baldwin

From: A verified voter in Hudson, WI

July 3

The Biden administration's recent statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for transgender minors is concerning. Medical decisions about gender-affirming care should be made between patients, their families, and healthcare providers on an individual basis – not dictated by politicians. The Human Rights Campaign rightly notes that this stance contradicts scientific consensus and the administration's previous commitment to defending the rights of transgender youth. Gender-affirming care is vitally important and often life-saving medical treatment. Denying it to minors who need it, in consultation with doctors and parents, could have devastating consequences. The administration should reconsider this position, which undermines its pledged allyship with the LGBTQ+ community. Trans youth deserve to have their president's full support in accessing appropriate medical care, as they have been promised.

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