  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

A message on the anniversary of Palestinian genocide

To: Rep. Strickland, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A constituent in Olympia, WA

October 8

For the past year, I have been writing you and all my representatives, demanding that you take a stand against the genocide of the Palestinian people. For the past year I have been disappointed, angered, and saddened to see you do nothing of the sort. That is the reason why I voted for you over the past several elections, to be a voice of reason and a voice for your constituents like me. To do what's right. So to see those promises go unfulfilled angers me. The people want peace. We have been screaming at anyone who will listen, demanding a ceasefire, demanding that we stop arming and funding Israel. I don't see you listening to these demands, and it shouldn't have to be asked of you anyway. It should already be present in your heart and soul that the just thing to do is to support the oppressed people of Palestine. We've known this since before Rachel Corrie was killed by Israel. We've known this since Aysenur Eygi was killed by Israel. How many more women and children must Israel murder for you to grow a conscience? Ceasefire now. You will NOT have my vote next month for these reasons. Your cowardice is a stain on this nation.

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