  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

Farm bill written by and for farmers, consumers, workers, & our environment

To: Sen. Moran, Pres. Biden, Rep. Mann, Sen. Marshall

From: A verified voter in Dodge City, KS

October 5

The current agricultural policy in America is fundamentally flawed, favoring corporate interests over the wellbeing of farmers, consumers, workers, and the environment. It is unacceptable that this critical legislation is being crafted by lobbyists, lawyers, and economists with no real understanding of the challenges faced by those directly impacted. We must demand a fundamental shift in how the farm bill is developed. A new farm bill should be written by and for the very stakeholders whose lives and livelihoods depend on it – farmers, consumers, agricultural workers, and environmental advocates. Only they can truly grasp the intricate balance required to support a sustainable and equitable food system. Corporate profiteering and exploitation must be rooted out, replaced by policies that prioritize fair prices, ethical labor practices, and environmental stewardship. The current system, which incentivizes overproduction to keep commodity prices artificially low for large processors and retailers, is detrimental to farmers and must be reformed. We cannot allow a continuation of policies that lead to absurd situations where abundant harvests result in financial ruin for the very people growing our food. A new farm bill written by those with firsthand experience can correct these injustices and create a food system that works for all, not just the privileged few.

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