  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Support BIDEN!

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Mullin, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in South San Francisco, CA

July 21

Support the already accomplished, winning and trusted BIDEN/HARRIS ticket. Joe, stay in. We know you’ve got this and that Kamala does too! To all Democrat representatives- stop asking Joe to drop. This is causing more trouble and is causing apathy and fear in us every day democrats. It sounds as though the party is shooting itself in the foot, this is an unforced error. We should unite. Unite behind JOE and Kamala. Stop the squabble. The media is not our friend. Stop talking to the media and just start uniting around this ticket and this team and all this policy for the good of the country. We want a Biden Harris ticket.

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