  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Warren, Rep. Auchincloss, Sen. Markey

From: A constituent in Swansea, MA

October 2

"REGULATE GUNS LIKE CARS” As a concerned citizen deeply troubled by the relentless gun violence plaguing our nation, I urge you to embrace a straightforward and compelling message: "REGULATE GUNS LIKE CARS.” This simple phrase captures an approach that is both practical and relatable to everyday Americans. We regulate cars because they can cause harm if misused. Drivers must pass tests to earn licenses, vehicles are registered and insured, and ownership transfers are documented. There are federal safety standards that all cars must meet, ensuring a baseline of protection across every state. Why should firearms, which are inherently more dangerous, be subject to less oversight? By establishing federal minimum gun regulatory standards akin to those for automobiles, we can uphold the rights of responsible gun owners while significantly enhancing public safety. This message is clear, reasonable, and difficult to oppose. It aligns with common sense and leverages familiar systems already in place. I believe adopting "REGULATE GUNS LIKE CARS” as a policy platform will resonate powerfully with the American people. Please, lead with courage and conviction on this critical issue. Our communities cannot afford further inaction.

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