An open letter to Sen. King, Rep. Golden, Sen. Collins.
  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. King, Rep. Golden, Sen. Collins

From: A constituent in Bernard, ME

April 11

It is interesting to me, that we no longer hear about Hunter Biden. House Republicans were trying to prove that Hunter made millions through his dad, former VP and present POTUS. Now, the cries of “foul play” have gone silent. Has it even occurred to House Republicans, the money that Trump’s children (and their respective partners) made while he was in office??? Just the multi-billion dollar deal that Jared Kushner made with Saudi Arabia comes to mind. Such IRONY!! I’m sorry Senator Collin’s, but Republicans are having a real hard time seeing clearly, especially in the House. It is true. Trump, and the people working for him, are a dire threat to our democracy. And yet, most Republicans refuse to say a word, for the sake of power or retribution. Hail Liz Cheney who shows the courage to speak the truth. It is time to take a stand. Because you serve the people, it is up to you to continually speak out for our democracy and speak to truth.

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