  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

End violence against Palestinian civilians in Rafah now

To: Rep. Norcross, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Clementon, NJ

June 5

The indiscriminate bombing and military assault on the densely populated city of Rafah must end now. Over a million Palestinian civilians, including entire families like the Abu Issas, have been violently displaced, their homes destroyed, and their lives shattered. They now suffer in bombed-out ruins and overcrowded makeshift shelters, lacking even basic necessities like running water. Prioritizing military objectives over the safety and wellbeing of innocent civilians is an outrageous violation of human rights and the most fundamental humanitarian principles. Condemning already traumatized people to further deprivation, fear, and anguish is unconscionable. This injustice and collective punishment cannot be tolerated any longer. All military operations in Rafah must halt at once to prevent this man-made catastrophe from deteriorating further and to immediately facilitate the unfettered delivery of emergency aid to those displaced. Perpetuating this senseless violence against a captive civilian population serves no moral or strategic purpose.

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