  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Don’t turn your backs on trans people

To: Sen. Durbin, Sen. Duckworth

From: A verified voter in Chicago, IL

December 19

The recently passed $895 billion National Defense Authorization Act includes a controversial provision that restricts gender-affirming care for children of servicemembers. This policy amounts to a concerning infringement on the rights and well-being of transgender youth. Denying access to gender-affirming healthcare goes against the recommendations of major medical associations and can have devastating consequences for these vulnerable young people. Every child deserves access to appropriate, evidence-based medical care as determined by them, their families, and their doctors – not discriminatory political interference. I urge you to speak out against this harmful provision and work to protect the health and civil liberties of all Americans, including transgender individuals serving in our armed forces and their families.

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