  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Biden must publish the ERA now

To: Rep. Wexton, Sen. Kaine, Pres. Biden, Sen. Warner

From: A verified voter in Sterling, VA

November 15

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has met all requirements for ratification and addition to the U.S. Constitution, yet women still lack constitutional protection against sex discrimination. President Biden must fulfill his constitutional duty by instructing the Archivist of the United States to publish the ERA, ensuring equality regardless of sex is enshrined in our nation's founding document. The recent election results underscore the urgency of protecting women's rights through the ERA's ratification. Without this crucial amendment, hard-won progress is vulnerable to rollbacks and continued legal challenges. The judiciary would have a stronger basis to safeguard rights, and the legislative path to true equality would be cleared. Delaying publication contravenes the will of the American people and the democratic process. For the sake of our democracy and the equality it promises, the President must take immediate action to publish the ERA.

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