  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Strongly and loudly support President Biden

To: Rep. Strickland, Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A constituent in Tacoma, WA

July 12

As your constituent, I am asking that you not fall for the manufactured frenzy, the continually moving goalposts, and the enormously different standards created by the media to "report" on Biden and Trump. President Biden has been incredibly effective and continues to be the president we need. Please take a look at who is calling for the president to step down. The majority are white, male, and affluent. In short, they have a lot less at risk. The media only gains from this continued clickbait, and they are clearly beholden to their shareholders rather than to the truth. Ever since the debate, the media says, "his next event will show us." When he does well, they move the goalposts to the following event. Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted felon, is threatening autocracy, is all over the Epstein files, and makes far more (and more alarming) gaffes than President Biden. The media generally ignores all of that, as long as his egregious lies are stated loudly and with energy. They also don't demand that Trump answers foreign policy questions or even adheres to the truth. Yes, Biden has a stutter and uses strategies to find replacement words that appear to the untrained eye as losing his train of thought. Yes, he is old. Yes, he sometimes mixes up words. The voters have already accepted that. We know that about him and have decided to choose him (again), anyway. But he is a strong leader who just last night gave over an hour of substantive and detailed answers to complex questions. Ironically, he did so without notes, while the media, who have criticized him for needing notes/a teleprompter, often referred to their own notes to ask their questions. Ask yourself: could the former guy do that? If Biden steps down, chaos will certainly ensue. The GOP, likely aided by foreign actors who are chaos agents, will monopolize on that. There is currently no concrete plan to choose (undemocratically) who should replace him, or how to handle all of the obstacles regarding fundraising, ballots, deadlines, and lawsuits that the Heritage Foundation is promising. There is too much at stake to change now. The time for this discussion has passed. Please help the American people (and really, the international community) by publicly offering your full-throated support of President Biden. We desperately need to move forward, and change the focus of the discussion to the clear and present danger Trump and the rest of the GOP present. Thank you.

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