  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Dingell, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Whitmore Lake, MI

August 10, 2024

The Coast Guard Academy plays a vital role in training our nation's future maritime leaders, but it has been left out of crucial protections for survivors of sexual misconduct. This bill would extend the safe-to-report policy that encourages reporting of sexual assault without fear of minor disciplinary action to the Coast Guard Academy. Bringing parity with other military service academies promotes a culture of accountability and supports survivors. For an institution charged with safeguarding our maritime interests, addressing sexual misconduct must be a top priority. I urge support for this measure to provide Coast Guard cadets the same protections afforded to their peers and foster an environment of trust and respect.

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