  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Foreign Aid Allocation

To: Rep. D'Esposito, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Garden City, NY

June 7

End all U.S. support to Israel, particularly after their bombing of designated refugee tents (to which Netanyahu said was a mistake) yet—based on the World Central Kitchen assassinations by the IDF in a designated "deconflicted zone"—these attacks are a deliberate continuation of (or for you I hope an awakening to their) genocide against the Gazan people. Let the souls of the beheaded Palestinian babies and burnt corpses, bones recognized by their teeth with flesh peels stark stiff after the refugee to whom that body belonged burned away almost entirely, color your decision to stop supporting the rogue state of Israel. End Israeli genocide of Gaza—however you want to define their crimes against humanity. Find your humanity. We pray.

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