  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Paulina Luna, Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in Saint Petersburg, FL

May 28

President Biden, You’re a Christian man, and with that in mind, what in Christ’s name is wrong with you?! How can you all stand idly by as Israel mows down tens of thousands of innocent civilians on our dollar, and with our weapons? Where is your moral compass? Even conservative TV commentator Piers Morgan acknowledges that enough is enough. Israel has decapitated Palestinian babies, yet the world was up in arms with the mere suggestion of such a heinous act by Hamas back in October. Have you publicly admonished Israel? No. Have you used the leverage you have to end this genocide? No. Have you done anything beyond virtue signaling by approving "antisemitism bills" that, in reality, are censorship laws in order to stop well intentioned citizens from speaking out on YOUR GENOCIDE? No. I voted for you in 2020, but rest assured that as an Arab American, I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR YOU AGAIN, unless you can show a spine and stand up to the lobbyists that have filled your pockets with cash for years, and end this genocide now.

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