  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

it is beyond time to declare russia a terrorist state

To: Sen. Cantwell, Pres. Biden, Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A constituent in Vancouver, WA

July 8

Hi. As you may know, I am a trained Neurologist no longer in practice. During my training, I spent countless hours with patients and families at the All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. i also spent countless hours at the Moffitt Cancer center treating patients with cancer as an intern, and then patients with neurological disease. These are places where patietnts were extremely ill and their families needed respite. Knowing this, it pains me so very deeply to find out that russia has bombed a children’s hospital in Kyiv, because we haven’t provided adequate defense to Ukraine. While Israel is using US planes to raze Palestine and its inhabitants to the ground, we are watching in horror as Russia tries to do the same to Ukraine. There is a difference, though: Ukraine did not invade Russia. They are victims of a terrible invasion. We are failing them by not providing adequate defense. PLEASE DECLARE RUSSIA A TERRORIST STATE. I can’t imagine how I’d have been able to go to work as an intern or resident if I had to worry about my children’s hospital or cancer hospital had been getting bombed. This is unacceptable.

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