  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Wild, Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Allentown, PA

November 28

Re: Bathrooms Happy Thanksgiving. While the foolish issue will, NO DOUBT, fail to be resolved soon enough, I have a suggestion for Congress. In all honesty, turn on a rerun of Ally McBeal, the hit tv show from the 90s. Because wisdom from 30 years ago solved the current situation. "We all go together." The quintessential show of the 90s had a unisex restroom in their law firm. Generation X watched the show and survived! Apparently it's time to get the people behind a fictional television show to explain a simple concept to the hateful, prejudiced people who believe America would be made Great by bringing back segregation. The shame and horror is unbelievable.

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