  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Stand for Healthcare Workers and Civilians in Gaza Now.

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Rep. Crow, Sen. Bennet, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

July 2

I am writing to you with an urgent plea for action regarding the situation at the European Gaza Hospital. Yesterday, the Israeli army ordered the evacuation of this vital healthcare facility, which is currently the most functional hospital remaining in Gaza. Over 400 patients, alongside medical staff and civilian refugees, are now facing the prospect of displacement with no safe alternative. The healthcare crisis in Gaza is dire. Other hospitals are barely operational, suffering from severe shortages of medical supplies and fuel necessary to power essential medical equipment. The forced evacuation of the European Gaza Hospital will result in a catastrophic loss of life and further strain on an already overwhelmed healthcare system. We must remember the consequences of allowing such actions to proceed unchecked. When Israel besieged the Al-Shifa hospital complex, the director of the hospital was abducted and held as a political prisoner for seven months without charge or trial, enduring daily torture. Additionally, during an Israeli invasion in March, doctors Ahmad al-Maqadmeh and his mother Yusra were found murdered near the hospital after Israeli troops withdrew. These events, documented by multiple investigations including one by the Washington Post, highlight a pattern of disregard for international law and human rights. The United States must take a stand to protect the European Gaza Hospital and ensure the safety of its patients and staff. It is imperative that we halt all arms and funding to Israel until they comply with international humanitarian law and cease targeting protected civilian persons and objects. Our failure to act will not only perpetuate these atrocities but also tarnish our nation's commitment to upholding justice and human rights. I urge you to demand immediate protection for the European Gaza Hospital and advocate for measures that hold Israel accountable for its actions. The lives of countless innocent civilians and dedicated medical professionals are at stake, and it is our moral obligation to intervene. I look forward to your prompt and decisive action.

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