  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Save the University of the Arts

To: Rep. Shusterman, Gov. Shapiro, Sen. Comitta

From: A verified voter in Paoli, PA

June 2

The abrupt closure of the University of the Arts, a renowned institution with a nearly 150-year history, is a devastating blow to the arts community in Philadelphia and beyond. With its deep roots and numerous notable alumni, the school has played a vital role in nurturing creativity and fostering artistic expression for generations. The university's sudden plans to shut down on June 7th, just a week after starting the summer term, leave students, faculty, and staff grappling with uncertainty and disruption. The lack of proper notification and a well-planned teach-out process raises concerns about the institution's commitment to its students' educational journeys. While the university cites financial challenges and declining enrollment as contributing factors, the decision to close with such haste is concerning. It is imperative that immediate steps are taken to explore all possible avenues to keep the university operational, or at the very least, ensure a smooth transition for students to continue their education at partner institutions without further disruption. The University of the Arts is not just a physical space; it represents a vibrant hub of artistic expression and a nurturing environment for creative minds. Its loss would create a void in the city's cultural landscape and deprive future generations of a unique educational opportunity. I urge you to take action to protect this invaluable institution and ensure its continued legacy in fostering the arts.

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