  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Netanyahu before Congress is a DISGRACE

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Suozzi

From: A constituent in Hicksville, NY

July 23

I am disgusted that a bipartisan effort in US Congress invited and is allowing Netanyahu to speak before US Congress this week. Even CBS Sunday Morning reports on the targeted murder of children and civilians. This is not fringe info. There is no more denying this reality that your constituents have watched for 9 months in bloody detail. Beheaded and charred bodies of babies and children, entire bloodlines wiped out and no end in sight to this mass murder. You continue to aid Israel’s genocide with our tax dollars and tons of bombs to be used to kill even more civilians. Netanyahu should immediately be arrested for war crimes. I’m a lifelong Democrat, but going forward I will support any candidate from any party who denounces Israel’s genocide and stops US funding that government in anyway, least of which should be further arming a barbarous government.

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