USA is an immigrant country.  Help to promote it for all  immigrant applicants.
  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

USA is an immigrant country. Help to promote it for all immigrant applicants.

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Kennedy, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in Buffalo, NY

June 8

Sponsoring a refugee family means providing critical financial and logistical support to help them escape the ravages of war and rebuild their lives in safety. It involves covering expenses like travel, housing, food, and other essentials as they resettle in a new country. This humanitarian act offers a lifeline to those who have lost everything, allowing them to start anew after enduring unimaginable hardship. By extending this compassionate aid, we uphold the values of human rights and human dignity in the face of one of the world's greatest challenges. Sponsorship is a concrete way for caring individuals to directly impact lives devastated by conflict.

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