  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Cloud, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Bastrop, TX

July 23

Every single day I hope beyond hope it won't get worse than it is in Gaza, and every single day Israel's cruelty and barbarism drops to new levels of low. Today, 7/23, Over 84 Palestinians have been murdered and over 329 wounded throughout Gaza - primarily in the recent invasion of Khan Younis. This is the same area where Israel forced refugees to "evacuate" to from Rafah. One of the brave doctors volunteering in Gaza, a Jewish-American surgeon, advised that Israeli snipers are executing Palestinian children. Other American medical staff returning from their humanitarian work from Gaza have given similar, horrifying testimony. Mark Perlmutter, from North Carolina, and Feroze Sidhwa, from California, recently described to Politico the fate of a 9 year old girl named Juri at the European Hospital. Juri was barely conscious, in septic shock, and in the process of dying before their eyes. She had evidence of prior surgery - her leg was held together by a scaffold of pins and rods. The skin on that leg, face, and arms was necrotic. The blackened skin was dead, and any brief touch to them caused extreme pain. During the operation, the doctors described the dire state her entire body was in, severe bone fractures, the skin around her legs lacerated to the bone - exposing parts of her pelvis. As they began trying to save her life, maggots and larvae fell out of the wounds. At 9 years old she had to have a colostomy. While they managed to save her life and stop the sepsis from killing her, her road to recovery will be lengthy. Juri will not recover in the current conditions, however. None of the tens of thousands of injured, mostly children, will. I demand that you:  – Hold Israel accountable for a permanent, immediate ceasefire, their violations of the Genocide Convention, and gross human rights violations by any means necessary – Call for the immediate end of Israel’s occupation and apartheid and support Palestinians in their fight for freedom and peace – Secure the immediate release and safety of all Palestinians who have been abducted and held captive by Israel, including those whose indefinite detention began prior to 10/7 – Permanently end all monetary, diplomatic, and military aid given to Israel and enforce Leahy Law – Reallocate all funds given to Israel and commit additional resources for ongoing humanitarian relief for Palestinians starting with immediately resuming funding of UNRWA – Immediately withdraw all U.S. troops, military assets, and all other assets deployed throughout the Middle East and cease all actions that further escalate a larger regional conflict – Pass legislation that voids all anti-BDS laws at the federal level – Vote no on H.R. 7521 and any similar legislation proposed

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