  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gomez, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

October 1

As your constituent, I support the public Medicare program, which has saved countless lives and protected millions of people from financial hardship. Seniors in your district rely on this program every day, and we need you to stand up and protect it from profiteers. Make no mistake: Medicare is under attack. The authors of Project 2025 have proposed making so-called “Advantage” plans the default option for people enrolling in Medicare. This would erode the public program, force cash-strapped hospitals to drop “Advantage” plans entirely, and cause real harm to patients. If Medicare becomes fully privatized, then every senior in your district will be exposed to harm from insurance corporations, including prior authorization delays, surprise medical bills, and outright denials of care. They will not be happy about this. I urge you to stand up for Medicare! Please make clear—publicly and forcefully—that you oppose the Project 2025 proposal to privatize our hard-won Medicare benefits.

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