  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Biden must drop out of the race

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Clarke, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

July 14

Please urge President Biden to step aside for the election this November. He can finish his current term, but democracy is on the line and right now, it feels almost certain that Trump will win against Biden in November. Do not let the shooting that targeted Trump cause this issue to be put on the back burner - President Biden has done great things, but he cannot beat Trump in 2024. The shooting will only make Trump look stronger while Biden looks weaker every day. Give us a fighting chance by allowing us a new candidate. VP Kamala Harris would be an excellent candidate and I believe in her. It is infuriating that Biden has said that the important thing is that he “does his best.” His best is no longer good enough, and we will lose. He doesn’t get a participation trophy for clinging to power in a way that destroys our country. He MUST step aside in the race. I also hear Biden’s supporters say the voters “already chose” him in the primary. NO WE DID NOT. We were not given any other choices and many people voted undecided. We did not choose him for 2024. Please, please urge him to reconsider staying in the race.

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