  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Support National Popular Vote for Equal Presidential Elections

To: Sen. Cappelletti, Gov. Shapiro, Rep. Bradford

From: A constituent in Norristown, PA

October 18

The current system of electing the president undermines the principle of one person, one vote, as a small number of voters in swing states effectively decide the outcome. Five presidents have taken office without winning the nationwide popular vote. In 2004, a shift of just 59,393 votes in Ohio would have changed the result, despite President Bush leading nationally by over 3 million votes. And in 2020, a mere 21,461 vote shift across three states would have defeated Joe Biden, who won the popular vote by over 7 million votes. This disproportionate weight given to a few voters is undemocratic. The Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote, as outlined in House Bill 2922, is a state-based approach to ensure the presidency goes to the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide. It retains the Electoral College system while guaranteeing the winner receives the 270 electoral votes needed once states representing a majority have joined the compact. With this reform, every vote would be equal, candidates would campaign nationally rather than focusing solely on swing states, and faith in our elections would be restored. I urge you to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact by supporting House Bill 2922. It is a constitutionally sound way to uphold the bedrock principle of one person, one vote in presidential elections, making every vote meaningful regardless of state residency. This reform is crucial for protecting our democracy and empowering the voice of the people.

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