  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Block Arms Sales to Israel, Uphold Law and Human Rights

To: Rep. Luttrell, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Conroe, TX

September 29

The United States must end its complicity in the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people by blocking arms sales to Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu's extremist government has waged an all-out war against Palestinians, killing over 41,000 and injuring more than 95,000 - the majority of whom are women, children, and elderly. Netanyahu has bombed hospitals, schools, starved children, and made life unlivable in Gaza, in clear violation of U.S. and international laws governing the use of American weapons. These proposed arms sales, worth over $20 billion in offensive weaponry, will only enable further escalation and civilian casualties. There is ample evidence that Israel has used U.S. weapons indiscriminately against civilians, and several systems in these sales have been responsible for tremendous loss of life. Israel has also blocked U.S. humanitarian aid, making it ineligible for security assistance under U.S. law. Moreover, these arms sales undermine U.S. policy goals of securing a ceasefire to release hostages and enable aid to reach Gaza. Netanyahu has repeatedly sabotaged diplomacy, choosing military escalation to cling to power. Sending more weapons amid such conduct is unacceptable. Congress must act to uphold the law, safeguard civilians, and pressure Israel to pursue a just resolution by blocking these arms sales.

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