Support Nationwide Medical Availability of Marijuana: DEA Reclassification Proposal
  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Support Nationwide Medical Availability of Marijuana: DEA Reclassification Proposal

To: Rep. Tiffany, Pres. Biden, Sen. Baldwin, Sen. Johnson

From: A constituent in Hudson, WI

April 30

The proposal by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, moving it from Schedule I to Schedule III, is a significant policy shift. This change acknowledges the medical uses of cannabis and its lower potential for abuse compared to other substances. It is crucial to support this effort, as it could reduce tax burdens on the marijuana industry and facilitate research. However, it is equally important to push for nationwide medical availability of marijuana, given that 38 states have already legalized its medical use. This move could potentially benefit thousands of Americans who rely on cannabis for medical purposes. Therefore, it is requested to advocate for the nationwide medical availability of marijuana and urge the White House to approve the Drug Enforcement Administration’s proposal.

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